Random Version
# Randversion by Teemu Hjelt <temex@iki.fi>
### General Settings ###
## Use what versions?
# ------- ----------------
# eggdrop Eggdrop versions
# misc Misc versions
# ircii ircII versions
# bitchx BitchX versions
# mirc mIRC versions
# all All versions
set rv_style "all"
## What users can use rvstyle command?
set rv_flag "n"
### Flood Protection Settings ###
## [0/1] Do you want to enable the flood protection?
# Note: This only protects your bot from ctcp-finger flood.
set rv_fludprot 1
## Answer how many ctcp-fingers in how many seconds?
set rv_maxctcps 2:40
## [0/1] Do you want to ignore the flooder?
set rv_ignore 0
## How long do you want to ignore the flooder (min)?
set rv_ignoretime 10
## The users with one of the following flags shouldn't be ignored.
# Note: Leave this empty if you want to ignore everybody.
set rv_flags "m n o"
set rv_ver "2.00"
set rv_maxctcps [split $rv_maxctcps :]
set rv_style [string tolower $rv_style]
## mIRC versions.
set rv_desc(mirc) "mIRC"
set rv_versions(mirc) {
"mIRC32 v2.1a K.Mardam-Bey"
"mIRC32 v2.3a K.Mardam-Bey"
"mIRC32 v2.4a K.Mardam-Bey"
"mIRC32 v2.5a K.Mardam-Bey"
"mIRC32 v2.6b K.Mardam-Bey"
"mIRC32 v2.7a K.Mardam-Bey"
"mIRC32 v2.8b K.Mardam-Bey"
"mIRC32 v2.8c K.Mardam-Bey"
"mIRC32 v3.1 K.Mardam-Bey"
"mIRC32 v3.2 K.Mardam-Bey"
"mIRC32 v3.3 K.Mardam-Bey"
"mIRC32 v3.4 K.Mardam-Bey"
"mIRC32 v3.42 K.Mardam-Bey"
"mIRC32 v3.5 K.Mardam-Bey"
"mIRC32 v3.51 K.Mardam-Bey"
"mIRC32 v3.6 K.Mardam-Bey"
"mIRC32 v3.64 K.Mardam-Bey"
"mIRC32 v3.7 K.Mardam-Bey"
"mIRC32 v3.72 K.Mardam-Bey"
"mIRC32 v3.8 K.Mardam-Bey"
"mIRC32 v3.9 K.Mardam-Bey"
"mIRC32 v3.92 K.Mardam-Bey"
"mIRC32 v4.0 K.Mardam-Bey"
"mIRC32 v4.1 K.Mardam-Bey"
"mIRC32 v4.5 K.Mardam-Bey"
"mIRC32 v4.52 K.Mardam-Bey"
"mIRC32 v4.6 K.Mardam-Bey"
"mIRC32 v4.7 K.Mardam-Bey"
"mIRC32 v4.72 K.Mardam-Bey"
"mIRC32 v5.0 K.Mardam-Bey"
"mIRC32 v5.02 K.Mardam-Bey"
"mIRC32 v5.1 K.Mardam-Bey"
"mIRC32 v5.11 K.Mardam-Bey"
"mIRC32 v5.3 K.Mardam-Bey"
"mIRC32 v5.31 K.Mardam-Bey"
"mIRC32 v5.4 K.Mardam-Bey"
"mIRC32 v5.41 K.Mardam-Bey"
"mIRC32 v5.5 K.Mardam-Bey"
"mIRC32 v5.51 K.Mardam-Bey"
"mIRC32 v5.6 K.Mardam-Bey"
"mIRC32 v5.61 K.Mardam-Bey"
"mIRC32 v5.7 K.Mardam-Bey"
"mIRC32 v5.71 K.Mardam-Bey"
## ircII versions.
set rv_desc(ircii) "ircII"
set rv_versions(ircii) {
"ircII 2.9_roof Linux 2.0.35 :debian-ircii 2.9: This is It."
"ircII 2.8.2 Linux 2.0.35 :ircii 2.8: almost there..."
"ircII 2.9_roof Linux 2.0.35 :Rhz v2.0 by Mason."
"ircII 2.9_base Linux 2.0.35 :this is a bug free client. honest"
"ircII 2.8.2-EPIC4pre0.038 Linux 2.0.35 - All the things phone wont include....."
"ircII EPIC4pre2.001-NR7 Linux 2.0.35 - (can we scratch beneath this?)"
"ircII 2.8.2-EPIC3.004 *IX - Version allowed only with Pass.. :-P"
"ircII 4.4 IRIX 6.2 :ircii 2.9: AT&T you will (ojnk!)"
"ircII 2.8.2 IRIX64 6.4 :SrfRoG's LiCe v2.6.3"
"ircII 4.4 Linux 2.0.35 :SrfRoG's LiCe v2.5.2+Beta"
"ircII 2.9beta2 Linux 2.0.35 : Using TinyIrcrc v5.34 (13.8.1997) by Tommi \[Hazor\] Lahtonen "
"ircII 2.9alpha6 + ScrollZ v1.8e5 (27.3.97) by Flier + Cdcc v1.5 - Accept no limits!"
"ircII 4.4A+ScrollZ v1.8i2/Public (12.09.98)+Cdcc v1.7 - Feel the power!"
"ircII 4.4+ScrollZ v1.8h3 (31.03.98)+Cdcc v1.6 - storm\[sz\]"
"ircII 4.4A+ScrollZ v1.8i2/Public (12.09.98)+Cdcc v1.7 - \[tantan.sz 0.4\]"
"ircII 2.9alpha8+ScrollZ v1.8g1/public (31.8.97) by Flier + Cdcc v1.5 - delusion by scorpi0n (06/19/98)"
## BitchX versions.
set rv_desc(bitchx) "BitchX"
set rv_versions(bitchx) {
"BitchX-75+Tcl1.5 by panasync - Linux 2.0.36 : Keep it to yourself!"
"BitchX-75p1+Tcl1.5 by panasync - Linux 2.0.36 : Keep it to yourself!"
"BitchX-75p2-9+Tcl1.6 by panasync - Linux 2.0.36 : Keep it to yourself!"
"BitchX-75p2-10+Tcl1.6 by panasync - Linux 2.0.36 : Keep it to yourself!"
"BitchX-75p2+Tcl2.0 by panasync - Linux 2.0.36 : Keep it to yourself!"
"BitchX-75p3+Tcl2.0 by panasync - Linux 2.0.36 : Keep it to yourself!"
"BitchX-74p4+ by panasync - Linux 2.0.34 : Keep it to yourself!"
"BitchX-75p1+ by panasync - Linux 2.0.36 : Keep it to yourself!"
"BitchX-75p3+ by panasync - Linux 2.0.36 : Keep it to yourself!"
"BitchX-74p2+ by panasync - Linux 2.0.35 : Keep it to yourself!"
"BitchX-74p1+Tcl1.3f by panasync - Linux 2.0.35 : Keep it to yourself!"
"BitchX-75p1 by panasync - Linux 2.0.35 + win.irc v1.2.2 - by reflux : Keep it to yourself!"
"BitchX-72p1+Tcl1.1/Linux 2.0.35 : (c)rackrockb/bX \[3.0.1á1\] : Keep it to yourself!"
"BitchX-74a9/Linux 2.0.35 Tcl:(c)rackrock/bX\[3.0.1á2\] : Keep it to yourself!"
"BitchX-74p1+Tcl1.3f by panasync - Linux 2.0.35 : Keep it to yourself!"
"BitchX-74p4+1.3g/Linux 2.0.35 :(c)rackrock/bX \[3.0.1á9\] : Keep it to yourself!"
"BitchX-75p2-8+ by panasync - CYGWIN32_NT 4.0 : Keep it to yourself!"
"BitchX-75p1+ by panasync - CYGWIN32_95 4.0 : Keep it to yourself!"
## Misc versions.
set rv_desc(misc) "Misc"
set rv_versions(misc) {
"cypress.01d -forced- / bitchx-75p1 :insane in the membrane"
"#@!<( BitchX-75p1+ by panasync ) / ( hydroIRC 1.4-3 by hornet / hydrogen)>!@# -//- :=-"
"bitchx-74p1 + tunnelvision/1.2"
"(ScrollZ\[v1.8h3\], sZ/oS\[0.9i2\], Linux\[2.0.35\])"
"\[DyNaMiRc\] (v3.7) http://www.nonsolokick.com/data.htm"
"In Command of VeNoM v2.01 by Dethnite"
"core:dump 0.054i+p4 by guppy"
"\[AtlantiS(v1.3a)\] by Dethnite"
"KoiRa v. 5.38 ircII script by Terror Software"
"Running Phoenix v2.27 by Vassago with Fluff Mods v1.8.6"
"\[Decade v1.63 by drwit\] - she is me"
"(%SmUrF%) v1.1.3-(B-Fixed) by ZaNaGa?"
"(%schlong%) v2.4a by openface?"
"(%schlong%) v2.2c by openface?"
"perplex\[2.01!erawtic\] perplex"
"(ircle 3.0b) Millennivm 2:0 (chemlab)"
"Ircle 3.0b9 US PPC 09/21/1997 20:06:29 PM. #9???????"
"PIRCH32:WIN 95/WIN NT:Beta Version 0.92:97.01.11"
"PIRCH98:WIN 95/98/WIN NT:1.0 (build"
"XiRCON 1.0B4"
"Running Visual IRC '97 1.00. Get your copy today!! http://www.megalith.co.uk/virc"
"Running Visual IRC '97 1.00almost-final3c. Get your copy today!! http://www.megalith.co.uk/virc"
"AmIRC/AmigaOS 2.0 by Oliver Wagner <owagner@vapor.com> : http://www.vapor.com/ : \[#000000D0\] : This space for rent. Mail <ads@vapor.com> for more info."
"Microsoft Chat 2.5 (4.71.2302) (comics mode)"
"Microsoft Chat 2.1a (4.71.2201) (comics mode)"
"Zircon 1.18 Pl: 187 *IX : tcl 8.0 tk 8.0"
"Running KVirc 0.8.0 by Szymon 'Pragma@rv_ircnet' Stefanek <kvirc@tin.it> No script"
### Bindings ###
bind ctcp - VERSION ctcp:rv_version
bind dcc $rv_flag rvstyle dcc:rv_rvstyle
### Procs ###
proc dcc:rv_rvstyle {hand idx arg} {
global rv_style rv_desc rv_versions
set style [lindex [split $arg] 0]
putcmdlog "#$hand# rvstyle $arg"
if {$style == ""} {
putidx $idx "Currently using: $rv_desc($rv_style) versions"
putidx $idx "To get help, type: rvstyle -help"
} elseif {[string tolower $style] == "-help"} {
putidx $idx "NAME DESCRIPTION"
putidx $idx "------- ----------------"
foreach name [array names rv_versions] {
putidx $idx "[format "%-8s %s" $name "$rv_desc($name) versions"]"
putidx $idx "To change the version-reply list, type: rvstyle <name>"
} elseif {[lsearch -exact [array names rv_versions] [string tolower $style]] == -1} {
putidx $idx "Version-reply list '$style' is invalid."
} else {
set rv_style [string tolower $style]
putidx $idx "Version-reply list changed to: $rv_desc($rv_style) versions"
proc ctcp:rv_version {nick uhost hand dest key arg} {
global rv_versions rv_style rv_fludprot rv_maxctcps rv_ignore rv_ignoretime rv_flags rv_flooded rv_ctcpcount
set hostmask "*!*[string range $uhost [string first "@" $uhost] end]"
if {$rv_fludprot} {
if {![info exists rv_ctcpcount]} { set rv_ctcpcount 0 }
if {![info exists rv_flooded]} { set rv_flooded 0 }
if {$rv_flooded} { return 1 }
incr rv_ctcpcount
utimer [lindex $rv_maxctcps 1] "incr rv_ctcpcount -1"
if {$rv_ctcpcount > [lindex $rv_maxctcps 0]} {
utimer [lindex $rv_maxctcps 1] "set rv_flooded 0"
set rv_flooded 1
putlog "randversion: Blocking ctcp-versions for [lindex $rv_maxctcps 1] seconds."
if {$rv_ignore} {
foreach flag $rv_flags { if {[matchattr $hand $flag]} { return 1 } }
if {![isignore $hostmask]} {
newignore $hostmask $botnick "ctcp-version flood" $rv_ignoretime
putlog "randversion: Ignoring $hostmask for ctcp-version flood for $rv_ignoretime mins."
return 1
putserv "NOTICE $nick :\001VERSION [lindex $rv_versions($rv_style) [rand [llength $rv_versions($rv_style)]]]\001"
return 1
proc rv_setversions { } {
global rv_desc rv_versions rv_style
set rv_desc(eggdrop) "Eggdrop"
set rv_versions(eggdrop) ""
for {set i 0} {$i <= 28} {incr i} { lappend rv_versions(eggdrop) "eggdrop v1.3.${i}" }
for {set i 0} {$i <= 4} {incr i} { lappend rv_versions(eggdrop) "eggdrop v1.4.${i}" }
set rv_desc(all) "All"
set rv_versions(all) ""
foreach name [array names rv_versions] {
if {[string tolower $name] != "all"} {
foreach version $rv_versions($name) {
lappend rv_versions(all) $version
if {[lsearch -exact [array names rv_versions] $rv_style] == -1} {
return 0
} else {
return 1
putlog "TCL loaded: randversion.tcl v$rv_ver by Sup <temex@iki.fi>"
if {[rv_setversions]} {
putlog " - Versions: $rv_desc($rv_style) versions"
} else {
putlog " - Versions: $rv_desc(all) versions (because '$rv_style' is invalid)"
set rv_style "all"
if {$rv_fludprot} {
putlog " - Flood Protection: enabled. (Answering to [lindex $rv_maxctcps 0] ctcps in [lindex $rv_maxctcps 1] seconds)"
} else {
putlog " - Flood Protection: disbaled."