TCL Flag Note

Flag Note

# Flagnote by Ernst
# Usage: .flagnote <flag> [#channel/all] <message>

set globalflags "a c d f h j k m n o p q t u v x"
set chanflags   "a d f k m n o q v"
set botflags    "b"

set customflags "A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z"

bind dcc m|m flagnote dcc_flagnote
proc dcc_flagnote {hand idx arg} {
	global customflags globalflags chanflags botflags
	set whichflag [lindex $arg 0]
	if {[string index [lindex $arg 1] 0] == "#"} {
		set toglobal 0
		set tochannel 1
		set channel "[lindex $arg 1]"
		if {![validchan $channel]} {
			putdcc $idx "I am not monitoring channel $channel, sorry."
			return 0
		set message [lrange $arg 2 end]
	} elseif {[string tolower [lindex $arg 1]] == "all"} {
		set toglobal 1
		set tochannel 1
		set channel "[channels]"
		set message [lrange $arg 2 end]
	} {
		set toglobal 1
		set tochannel 0
		set channel ""
		set message [lrange $arg 1 end]
	if {$whichflag == "" || $message == ""} {
		putdcc $idx "Usage: flagnote <\[+\]flag> \[#channel/all\] <message>"
		putdcc $idx "  Sends <message> to users with given channel or global flag."
		putdcc $idx "  If '#channel' is specified, message goes to users with channel"
		putdcc $idx "  <flag> for channel #channel. If 'all' is specified, message"
		putdcc $idx "  goes for users with either any channel or global <flag>."
		putdcc $idx "  Otherwise message will go only to users with global <flag>."
		putdcc $idx "  A '%nick' in message to be replaced with destination handle."
		return 0
	if {[string index $whichflag 0] == "+"} {
		set whichflag [string index $whichflag 1]
	if {([lsearch -exact $botflags $whichflag] > 0)} {
		putdcc $idx "The flag \[\002$whichflag\002\] is for bots only."
		putdcc $idx "Valid flags are (choose one):"
		putdcc $idx "\002[lsort $globalflags]\002 and any uppercase letter"
		return 0
	if {[lsearch -exact [concat $globalflags $customflags] $whichflag] < 0} {
		putdcc $idx "The flag \[\002$whichflag\002\] is not a defined flag."
		putdcc $idx "Valid flags are (choose one):"
		putdcc $idx " \002[lsort $globalflags]\002 and any uppercase letter"
		return 0
	if {$tochannel && $toglobal} {
		putcmdlog "#$hand# flagnote \[+$whichflag\] all ..."
		putdcc $idx "*** Sending FlagNote to all \[\002$whichflag\002\] users."
		set channel [channels]
	} elseif {$tochannel && !$toglobal} {
		putcmdlog "#$hand# flagnote \[+$whichflag $channel\] ..."
		putdcc $idx "*** Sending FlagNote to all \[\002$whichflag\002\] users ($channel)."
	} {
		putcmdlog "#$hand# flagnote \[+$whichflag\] ..."
		putdcc $idx "*** Sending FlagNote to all global \[\002$whichflag\002\] users."
	if {[lsearch -exact [concat $chanflags $customflags] $whichflag] < 0 && $tochannel} {
		putdcc $idx "*** \[\002$whichflag\002\] is a global only flag."
	set message "\[\002$whichflag\002\]\ $message"
	set notes 0
	set badnotes 0
	set badusers ""
	foreach user [userlist] {
		if {![matchattr $user b] && $user != $hand} {
			if {[matchattr $user $whichflag] && $toglobal} {
				regsub -all "%nick" $message "$user" tmpmessage
				set fwdaddy [getuser $user fwd]
				if {$fwdaddy == ""} {
					set ok [sendnote $hand $user $tmpmessage]
					if {$ok == 3 || $ok == 0} {
						incr badnotes
						lappend badusers $user
					} { incr notes }
				} else {
					set ok [sendnote $hand $fwdaddy $tmpmessage]
					if {$ok == 3 || $ok == 0} {
						incr badnotes
						lappend badusers $user
					} { incr notes }
			if {$tochannel} {
				foreach thischan $channel {
					if {[matchattr $user -|$whichflag $thischan]} {
						regsub -all "%nick" $message "$user" tmpmessage
						set fwdaddy [getuser $user fwd]
						if {$fwdaddy == ""} {
							set ok [sendnote $hand $user $tmpmessage]
							# 3 is never returned as it should, this is a bug in 1.3.2
							if {$ok == 3 || $ok == 0} {
								incr badnotes
								lappend badusers $user
							} { incr notes }
						} else {
							set ok [sendnote $hand $fwdaddy $tmpmessage]
							# 3 is never returned as it should, this is a bug in 1.3.2
							if {$ok == 3 || $ok == 0} {
								incr badnotes
								lappend badusers $user
							} { incr notes }
	if {$notes == 1} {set notes "1 note was"} {set notes "$notes notes were"}
	putdcc $idx "*** Done... $notes send."
	if {$badnotes} {
		if {$badnotes == 1} {set badnotes "1 note was"} {set badnotes "$badnotes notes were"}
		putdcc $idx "*** $badnotes not delivered: $badusers"