#This is a basic kick and join counter. This script requires that
#userinfo1.0.tcl is loaded before this script is. And also that KICKS is a
#field in the userinfo1.0.tcl script. I would appreciate it, if you left my
#nick in the putlog. Any changes, improvements, or problems plz don't hesitate
#to email me at abodnar@mail.utexas.edu
# --Neuromancer
#New to v2.0
#- Added cmds to let you find out the total amount of joins to a channel by doing
#either .totaljoins [#channel] in the bot or !totaljoins [#channel] in the
#channel, #channel is optional.
#- Added cmds to let you find out the total amount of kicks for a channel
#or a person by doing either .totalkicks [nick] in the bot or
#!totalkicks [nick] in the channel, nick is optional.
#- Cleaned up some of the code dealing w/ the files
#- Made the # given when someone joins have the proper ending...
#ie. 1 = 1st, 2 = 2nd, 263 = 263rd
if {![info exists userinfover] } {
putlog "*** Can't load Counter 2.0 -- Userinfo v1.01 required"
return 0
bind pub f|f !totaljoins pub:totaljoins
bind dcc f|f totaljoins dcc:totaljoins
bind join -|- * joincounter
bind pub f|f !totalkicks pub:totalkicks
bind dcc f|f totalkicks dcc:totalkicks
bind kick -|- * kickcounter
set khits 0
set jhits 6034
proc convert {number} {
set one st
set two nd
set three rd
set others th
set numlength [string length $number]
incr numlength -2
set num2ndchar [string index $number $numlength]
switch $num2ndchar {
1 { set number $number$others }
default {
incr numlength
set numchar [string index $number $numlength]
switch $numchar {
1 { set number $number$one }
2 { set number $number$two }
3 { set number $number$three }
default { set number $number$others }
return $number
proc dcc:totaljoins {hand idx arg} {
if {$arg == ""} {
set temp 0
set chan [lindex [console $idx] 0]
set rchan [string tolower $chan]
if {[file exists ./scripts/$rchan.jcount.txt]} {
set o_fid [open "./scripts/$rchan.jcount.txt" "RDONLY"]
gets $o_fid temp
close $o_fid
putdcc $idx "$temp people have visited $rchan"
return 0
} else {
putdcc $idx "Sorry, no one has visited $rchan yet"
} else {
set temp 0
set rchan [string tolower $arg]
if {[file exists ./scripts/$rchan.jcount.txt]} {
set o_fid [open "./scripts/$rchan.jcount.txt" "RDONLY"]
gets $o_fid temp
close $o_fid
putdcc $idx "$temp people have visited $rchan"
return 0
} else {
putdcc $idx "Sorry, no one has visited $rchan yet"
proc pub:totaljoins {nick host hand chan arg} {
if { $arg == "" } {
set temp 0
set rchan [string tolower $chan]
if {[file exists ./scripts/$rchan.jcount.txt]} {
set o_fid [open "./scripts/$rchan.jcount.txt" "RDONLY"]
gets $o_fid temp
close $o_fid
putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :$temp people have visited $chan"
return 0
} else {
putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :Sorry, no one has visited $rchan yet"
} else {
set temp 0
set rchan [string tolower $arg]
if {[file exists ./scripts/$rchan.jcount.txt]} {
set o_fid [open "./scripts/$rchan.jcount.txt" "RDONLY"]
gets $o_fid temp
close $o_fid
putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :$temp people have visited $rchan"
return 0
} else {
putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :Sorry, no one has visited $rchan yet"
proc joincounter {nick host hand chan} {
global jhits
set temp 0
set rchan [string tolower $chan]
if {[file exists ./scripts/$rchan.jcount.txt]} {
set o_fid [open "./scripts/$rchan.jcount.txt" "RDONLY"]
gets $o_fid temp
close $o_fid
} else {
set o_fid [open "./scripts/$rchan.jcount.txt" "CREAT RDWR"]
puts $o_fid temp
close $o_fid
set jhits $temp
incr jhits
putserv "NOTICE $nick :You are the [convert $jhits] person to join $chan"
set o_id [open "./scripts/$rchan.jcount.txt" "WRONLY"]
puts $o_id $jhits
close $o_id
proc dcc:totalkicks {hand idx arg} {
if {$arg == ""} {
set temp 0
set chan [lindex [console $idx] 0]
set rchan [string tolower $chan]
if {[file exists ./scripts/$rchan.kcount.txt]} {
set o_fid [open "./scripts/$rchan.kcount.txt" "RDONLY"]
gets $o_fid temp
close $o_fid
putdcc $idx "$temp people have been kicked from $rchan"
return 0
} else {
putdcc $idx "Sorry, no one has been kicked from $rchan yet"
} else {
set temp 0
set nick [string tolower $arg]
if {[validuser $nick]} {
if {[getuser $nick XTRA KICKS] == ""} {
putdcc $idx "$arg hasn't kicked anyone yet"
} else {
set tkicks [getuser $nick XTRA KICKS]
putdcc $idx "$arg has kicked $tkicks lamers"
} else {
putdcc $idx "I do not know who $arg is"
proc pub:totalkicks {nick host hand chan arg} {
if {$arg == ""} {
set temp 0
set rchan [string tolower $chan]
if {[file exists ./scripts/$rchan.kcount.txt]} {
set o_fid [open "./scripts/$rchan.kcount.txt" "RDONLY"]
gets $o_fid temp
close $o_fid
putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :$temp people have been kicked from $rchan"
return 0
} else {
putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :Sorry, no one has been kicked from $rchan yet"
} else {
set temp 0
set nick [string tolower $arg]
if {[validuser $nick]} {
if {[getuser $nick XTRA KICKS] == ""} {
putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :$arg hasn't kicked anyone yet"
} else {
set tkicks [getuser $nick XTRA KICKS]
putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :$arg has kicked $tkicks lamers"
} else {
putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :I do not know who $arg is"
proc kickcounter {nick host hand chan knick reason} {
global khits
set temp 0
set rchan [string tolower $chan]
if {[file exists ./scripts/$rchan.kcount.txt]} {
set o_fid [open "./scripts/$rchan.kcount.txt" "RDONLY"]
gets $o_fid temp
close $o_fid
} else {
set o_fid [open "./scripts/$rchan.kcount.txt" "CREAT RDWR"]
puts $o_fid temp
close $o_fid
set khits $temp
incr khits
if {[validuser [nick2hand $nick $chan]]} {
if {[getuser $hand XTRA KICKS] == ""} {
setuser $hand XTRA KICKS 0
set tkicks [getuser $hand XTRA KICKS]
incr tkicks
setuser $hand XTRA KICKS $tkicks
putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :$nick has bashed $tkicks lamers since Kick Counter was started"
putserv "NOTICE $knick :Ti si [convert $khits] chovek koito izhvurcha ot kanala"
putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :$knick beshe [convert $khits] chovek koito go izritaha ot kanala"
set o_id [open "./scripts/$rchan.kcount.txt" "WRONLY"]
puts $o_id $khits
close $o_id
putlog "Join & Kick Counter v2.1 by Neuromancer"