# This TCL will remove users for the userlist who are not seen in 60 days
# You may try the dcc command .cleanup too... does the same, but does it
# right away.
bind time - "00 04 * * *" time_scan_userfile
bind dcc +m cleanup dcc_scan_userfile
proc dcc_scan_userfile {hand idx args} {
putlog "$hand started userfile scan... Time: [time]"
proc time_scan_userfile {min hour day month year} {
putlog "Stated auto-scan of userfile. Time: [time]"
proc scan_userfile { } {
set rmusers 0
set errors 0
foreach hand [userlist] {
set leave 0
if {[lindex [getuser $hand LASTON] 0] < [expr [unixtime] - 5184000]} {
if {[matchattr $hand +n] == 1} {
set leave 1
if {[matchattr $hand +m] == 1} {
set leave 1
if {[matchattr $hand +f] == 1} {
set leave 1
if {[matchattr $hand +o] == 1} {
set leave 1
if {$leave == 0} {
set okdel [deluser $hand]
if {$okdel == 1} {
putlog "Deleted: $hand"
incr rmusers
if {$okdel != 1} {
putlog "Error in deleting: $hand"
incr errors
putlog "CleanUp stats:"
putlog "Current time: [time]"
putlog "Users deleted: $rmusers"
putlog "Errors: $errors"
putlog "cleanup.tcl loaded..."
putlog "Made by Christian Felde"
putlog "email: cfelde@powertech.no or cfelde@geocities.com"