TCL Ban nick

Ban nick

## banned_nick_changes02.tcl
##  This tcl script monitors nick changes on a channel, verifying the ban list
##  of the bot, and knocking them out if they are banned. An important function
##  is that it checks both exactly nick bans (i.e.: nick!*@*) and mask bans
##  (i.e.: *nick*!*@*, *nick!*@*, nick*!*@* etc).
 bind nick - * banned_nicks 
 proc banned_nicks {nick uhost hand chan newnick} {
   set novonick  "[string range $newnick 0 19]!*@*" 
   if {[matchban $novonick $chan]} {
      set novonick  "*[string range $newnick 0 19]*!*@*"
      putlog "$newnick is banned!! Kicking from $chan"
      pushmode $chan +b $novonick
      putserv "kick $chan $newnick :You are Banned!!"
putlog "Loading Banned Nick Changes Script, v0.2 -- By GiZZmo <> and Buster_ <>"
## SDG (Sergipe Development Group)