Show Server Version
## Server Info CGI v1.08 ##
## This script gives information about your (web)server.
## Software, Modules, libraries, env, network...
## Install:
## Change the path to perl (The first line in this script).
## Upload the script in ASCII mode to your cgi-bin directory
## chmod script to 755
## Open the script in a browser
$ver = "v1.6";
print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
$header = qq|
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
<title>Server Info script $ver -</title>
<meta name="robots" content="noindex,nofollow">
<style type="text/css"><!--
background-color : #FFFFFF;
font-family: verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif;
color : #484848;
font-size : 12px;
scrollbar-face-color: #FFFFFF;
scrollbar-shadow-color: #000000;
scrollbar-highlight-color: #484848;
scrollbar-3dlight-color: #FFFFFF;
scrollbar-darkshadow-color: #000000;
scrollbar-track-color: #8E929D;
scrollbar-arrow-color: #484848;
TD {
font-family: verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif;
color : #484848;
font-size : 12px;
I {
font-family: verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif;
color : Red;
font-size : 12px;
background-color : transparent;
font-family: verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif;
color : #484848;
font-size : 12px;
font-weight : bold;
$output .= "$header\n\n";
$output .= "<table border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"32\" align=\"left\" width=\"760\"><tr><td align=\"left\">\n\n";
if ($^O eq 'MSWin32') {
$info{'OS_VERSION'} = `ver`;
$info{'HOST_NAME'} = `hostname`;
if ($info{'OS_VERSION'}) {$info{'EXEC'} = 'Enabled'}
else {
$info{'PROC_RELEASE'} = `uname -r`;
$info{'MACHINE'} = `uname -m`;
$info{'PROCESSOR'} = `uname -p`;
$info{'NODE_NAME'} = `uname -n`;
$info{'SYS_NAME'} = `uname -s`;
$info{'WHOAMI'} = `whoami`;
$ex = `which perl`;
$info{'TAR'} = `which tar` if (!$info{'TAR'});
$info{'GZIP'} = `which gzip` if (!$info{'GZIP'});
$info{'COMPRESS'} = `which compress` if (!$info{'COMPRESS'});
$info{'WHOIS'} = `which whois` if (!$info{'WHOIS'});
$info{'CONVERT'} = `which convert` if (!$info{'CONVERT'});
$info{'MAIL_PROGRAM'} = `which sendmail` if (!$info{'MAIL_PROGRAM'});
$info{'MAIL_PROGRAM'} = "Found no mail program" if (!$info{'MAIL_PROGRAM'});
if ($ex) {$info{'EXEC'} = 'Enabled'}
$info{'OS'} = $^O;
$info{'PERL_EXE'} = $^X;
$info{'PERL_VER'} = $];
$info{'PERL_LIB'} = "@INC";
$info{'UPTIME'} = `uptime`;
$info{'HTTP_HOST'} = $ENV{'HTTP_HOST'};
$info{'APACHE_LIB'} = $info{'APACHE_LIB'};
$info{'SERVER_VER'} = server(version);
$info{'SERVER_CPU'} = server(cpuinfo);
$info{'SERVER_MEM'} = server(meminfo);
# The Output.
$output .= "<strong>Server info</strong><br>\n";
$output .= "Operating system = <%OS%><br>\n";
if (("$^O" eq "MSWin32") and ($info{'EXEC'})) {
$output .= "Version = <%OS_VERSION%><br>\n";
$output .= "Host name = <%HOST_NAME%><br>\n";
if (("$^O" ne "MSWin32") and ($info{'EXEC'})) {
$output .= "Kernel = <%PROC_RELEASE%><br>\n";
$output .= "Machine = <%MACHINE%><br>\n";
$output .= "Processor type = <%PROCESSOR%><br>\n";
$output .= "Whoami = <%WHOAMI%><br>\n";
$output .= "Host name = <%NODE_NAME%><br>\n";
$output .= "Server name = <%SERVER_NAME%><br>\n";
$output .= "Server IP = <%SERVER_ADDR%><br>\n";
$output .= "<br>\n\n";
$output .= "<strong>Web server info</strong><br>\n";
$output .= "HTTP address = <%HTTP_HOST%><br>\n";
$output .= "Document root = <%DOCU_ROOT%><br>\n";
$output .= "Apache lib = <%APACHE_LIB%><br>\n";
$output .= "Administrator = <%SERVER_ADMIN%><br>\n";
$output .= "Server software = <%SERVER_SOFT%><br>\n";
$output .= "HTTP accept = <%HTTP_ACCEPT%><br>\n";
$output .= "<br>\n\n";
if (("$^O" ne "MSWin32") and ($info{'EXEC'})) {
$output .= "<strong>Server programs</strong><br>\n";
$output .= "Mail program = <%MAIL_PROGRAM%><br>\n";
$output .= "Tar program = <%TAR%><br>\n";
$output .= "Gzip program = <%GZIP%><br>\n";
$output .= "Compress program = <%COMPRESS%><br>\n";
$output .= "Whois program = <%WHOIS%><br>\n";
$output .= "ImageMagick convert = <%CONVERT%><br>\n";
$output .= "<br>\n\n";
$output .= "<strong>Perl info</strong><br>\n";
$output .= "Perl location = <%PERL_EXE%><br>\n";
$output .= "Perl version = <%PERL_VER%><br>\n";
$output .= "Locations of Perl libraries = <%PERL_LIB%><br>\n";
$output .= "<br>\n\n";
$output .= "<strong>Extra info</strong><br>\n";
$output .= "Executing of system commands = Enabled<br>\n" if ($info{'EXEC'});
$output .= "Executing of system commands = Not enabled<br>\n" if (!$info{'EXEC'});
$output .= "Server uptime = <%UPTIME%><br>\n";
$output .= "<br>\n\n";
$output .= "<strong>Remote user info</strong><br>\n";
$output .= "Remote IP = <%REMOTE_ADDR%><br>\n";
$output .= "Remote hostname = <%REMOTE_HOST%><br>\n";
$output .= "Language = <%ACCEPT_LANG%><br>\n";
$output .= "User agent = <%USER_AGENT%><br>\n";
$output .= "<br>\n\n";
if ("$^O" ne "MSWin32") {
$output .= "<strong>Server version</strong><br>\n";
$output .= "<%SERVER_VER%><br>\n";
$output .= "<br>\n\n";
$output .= "<strong>CPU info</strong><br>\n";
$output .= "<%SERVER_CPU%><br>\n";
$output .= "<br>\n\n";
$output .= "<strong>Memory info</strong><br>\n";
$output .= "<%SERVER_MEM%><br>\n";
$output .= "<br>\n\n";
$output .= "<strong>Perl libraries installed</strong><br>\n";
eval {require CGI};
if ($@) {$output .= "<i>The library CGI is not installed</i><br>\n"}
else {$output .= "Library CGI v$CGI::VERSION installed<br>\n"}
eval {require mod_perl};
if ($@) {$output .= "<i>The library mod_perl is not installed</i><br>\n"}
else {$output .= "Library mod_perl v$mod_perl::VERSION installed<br>\n"}
eval {require LWP};
if ($@) {$output .= "<i>The library www-perl is not installed</i><br>\n"}
else {$output .= "Library www-perl v$LWP::VERSION installed<br>\n"}
eval {require DBI};
if ($@) {$output .= "<i>The library DBI is not installed</i><br>\n"}
else {$output .= "Library DBI v$DBI::VERSION installed<br>\n"}
eval {require DBD::mysql};
if ($@) {$output .= "<i>The library DBD::mysql is not installed</i><br>\n"}
else {$output .= "Library DBD::mysql v$DBD::mysql::VERSION installed<br>\n"}
eval {require URI};
if ($@) {$output .= "<i>The library URI is not installed</i><br>\n"}
else {$output .= "Library URI v$URI::VERSION installed<br>\n"}
eval {require Apache};
if ($@) {$output .= "<i>The library Apache is not installed</i><br>\n"}
else {$output .= "Library Apache v$Apache::VERSION installed<br>\n\n"}
eval {require Digest::MD5};
if ($@) {$output .= "<i>The library Digest::MD5 is not installed</i><br>\n"}
else {$output .= "Library Digest::MD5 v$Digest::MD5::VERSION installed<br>\n"}
eval {require Crypt::SSLeay};
if ($@) {$output .= "<i>The library Crypt::SSLeay is not installed</i><br><br>\n\n"}
else {$output .= "Library Crypt::SSLeay v$Crypt::SSLeay::VERSION installed<br><br>\n\n"}
if ($info{'APACHE_LIB'}) {
@standard_mod = ('', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '');
@auth_mod = ('', '', '', '', '', '', '', '');
@ext_mod = ('', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '');
$output .= "<strong>Apache modules installed</strong><br>\n";
foreach $item(@standard_mod) {
if (-e "$info{'APACHE_LIB'}/$item") {$output .= "Module '$item' installed<br>\n"}
else {$output .= "<i>Module '$item' is not installed</i><br>\n"}
$output .= "<br>\n\n";
foreach $item(@auth_mod) {
if (-e "$info{'APACHE_LIB'}/$item") {$output .= "Module '$item' installed<br>\n"}
else {$output .= "<i>Module '$item' is not installed</i><br>\n"}
$output .= "<br>\n\n";
foreach $item(@ext_mod) {
if (-e "$info{'APACHE_LIB'}/$item") {$output .= "Module '$item' installed<br>\n"}
else {$output .= "<i>Module '$item' is not installed</i><br>\n"}
$output .= "<br>\n\n";
eval {
$info{'GET_USER'} = getpwent();
$info{'GET_GROUP'} = getgrent();
$info{'GET_HOST'} = gethostent();
$info{'GET_NET'} = getnetent();
$info{'GET_PROTO'} = getprotoent();
$info{'GET_SERV'} = getservent();
$output .= "<strong>Special info</strong><br>\n";
$output .= "user = <%GET_USER%><br>\n";
$output .= "group = <%GET_GROUP%><br>\n";
$output .= "host = <%GET_HOST%><br>\n";
$output .= "network = <%GET_NET%><br>\n";
$output .= "protocol = <%GET_PROTO%><br>\n";
$output .= "service = <%GET_SERV%><br>\n";
$output .= "<br>\n\n";
$output .= "<strong>Web server Env</strong><br>\n";
@keys = keys %ENV;
@values = values %ENV;
foreach $key (sort(@keys)) {
$output .= "$key = $ENV{$key}<br>\n";
$output .= "</td></tr></table>\n";
$output .= "</body></html>\n";
$output =~ s/<%\s*(.*?)\s*%>/if ($info{$1}) {$info{$1}} else {"<i>undefined<\/i>"}/oesg;
print "$output";
## Find Programs
sub find_prog {
if (-e "/usr/local/bin/tar") {$info{'TAR'} = "/usr/local/bin/tar"}
elsif (-e "/usr/bin/tar") {$info{'TAR'} = "/usr/bin/tar"}
elsif (-e "/usr/local/tar") {$info{'TAR'} = "/usr/local/tar"}
if (-e "/usr/local/bin/gzip") {$info{'GZIP'} = "/usr/local/bin/gzip"}
elsif (-e "/usr/bin/gzip") {$info{'GZIP'} = "/usr/bin/gzip"}
elsif (-e "/usr/local/gzip") {$info{'GZIP'} = "/usr/local/gzip"}
if (-e "/usr/local/bin/compress") {$info{'COMPRESS'} = "/usr/local/bin/compress"}
elsif (-e "/usr/bin/compress") {$info{'COMPRESS'} = "/usr/bin/compress"}
elsif (-e "/usr/local/compress") {$info{'COMPRESS'} = "/usr/local/compress"}
if (-e "/usr/local/bin/whois") {$info{'WHOIS'} = "/usr/local/bin/whois"}
elsif (-e "/usr/bin/whois") {$info{'WHOIS'} = "/usr/bin/whois"}
elsif (-e "/usr/local/whois") {$info{'WHOIS'} = "/usr/local/whois"}
if (-e "/usr/local/bin/convert") {$info{'CONVERT'} = "/usr/local/bin/convert"}
elsif (-e "/usr/bin/convert") {$info{'CONVERT'} = "/usr/bin/convert"}
elsif (-e "/usr/local/convert") {$info{'CONVERT'} = "/usr/local/convert"}
## Find Mail
if (-e "/var/qmail/bin/qmail-inject") {$info{'MAIL_PROGRAM'} = "/var/qmail/bin/qmail-inject"}
elsif (-e "/usr/sbin/sendmail") {$info{'MAIL_PROGRAM'} = "/usr/sbin/sendmail"}
elsif (-e "/usr/lib/sendmail") {$info{'MAIL_PROGRAM'} = "/usr/lib/sendmail"}
elsif (-e "/usr/bin/sendmail") {$info{'MAIL_PROGRAM'} = "/usr/bin/sendmail"}
## Find Apache
if (-e "/opt/lib/apache/") {$info{'APACHE_LIB'} = "/opt/lib/apache"}
elsif (-e "/System/Library/Apache/Modules/") {$info{'APACHE_LIB'} = "/System/Library/Apache/Modules"}# Mac
elsif (-e "/usr/local/apache/modules/") {$info{'APACHE_LIB'} = "/usr/local/apache/modules"}# MachTen/WebTen
elsif (-e "/usr/lib/apache/modules/") {$info{'APACHE_LIB'} = "/usr/lib/apache/modules"}# OpenBSD
elsif (-e "/usr/lib/apache/") {$info{'APACHE_LIB'} = "/usr/lib/apache"}
#elsif (-e "c:/apache/modules") {$info{'APACHE_LIB'} = "c:/apache/modules"}# OpenBSD
## Server Info
sub server {
($serv_info) = @_;
open SERVER, "</proc/$serv_info";
$server_info = join("<BR>", <SERVER>);
close SERVER;
return $server_info;