CGI Random Text

Random Text


$random_file = "random.txt";

$delimiter = "\n";

open(FILE,"$random_file") || &error('open->random_file',$random_file);

$phrases = join('',@FILE);

@phrases = split(/$delimiter/,$phrases);

srand(time ^ $$);

$phrase = rand(@phrases);

print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";

print $phrases[$phrase];


sub error {
    ($error,$file) = @_;
    print <<"END_ERROR";
Content-type: text/html

  <title>ERROR: Random File Unopenable</title>
 <body bgcolor=#FFFFFF text=#000000>
   <h1>ERROR: Random File Unopenable</h1>

The random file, as specified in the \$random_file perl variable was 

    if (-e $random_file) {
        print "The file was found on your system, so make sure that it is\n";
        print "readable by the web server.  This means you will need to\n";
        print "execute the following command:<pre>\n";
        print "    chmod 744 $random_file\n";
        print "</pre>\n";
    else {
        print "The file was not found on your file system.  This means that\n";
        print "it has either not been created or the path you have specified\n";
        print "in \$trrandom_file is incorrect.\n";