<frameset></frameset> - Tag in a frames document; can also be nested in other frames.
<frameset rows="value, value"> - Defines the rows within a frameset, using number in pixels, or percentage of width.
<frameset cols="value,value"> - Defines the columns within a frameset, using number in pixels, or percentage of width.
<frame> - Defines a single frame - or region - within a frameset.
<noframes></noframes> - Defines what will appear on browsers that don't support frames.
<frame src="URL"> - Specifies which HTML document should be displayed.
<frame name="name"> - Names the frame, or region, so it may be targeted by other frames.
<frame marginwidth="#"> - Defines the left and right margins for the frame; must be equal to or greater than 1.
<frame marginheight="#"> - Defines the top and bottom margins for the frame; must be equal to or greater than 1.
<frame scrolling=VALUE> - Sets whether the frame has a scrollbar; value may equal "yes," "no," or "auto. " The default, as in ordinary documents, is auto.
<frame noresize> - Prevents the user from resizing a frame.