Bash Copying a data CD

Copying a data CD

# copying a data CD

CDROM=/dev/cdrom                           # CD ROM device
OF=/home/bozo/projects/cdimage.iso         # output file
#       /xxxx/xxxxxxx/                     Change to suit your system.
SPEED=2                                    # May use higher speed if supported.

echo; echo "Insert source CD, but do *not* mount it."
echo "Press ENTER when ready. "
read ready                                 # Wait for input, $ready not used.

echo; echo "Copying the source CD to $OF."
echo "This may take a while. Please be patient."

dd if=$CDROM of=$OF bs=$BLOCKSIZE          # Raw device copy.

echo; echo "Remove data CD."
echo "Insert blank CDR."
echo "Press ENTER when ready. "
read ready                                 # Wait for input, $ready not used.

echo "Copying $OF to CDR."

cdrecord -v -isosize speed=$SPEED dev=0,0 $OF
# Uses Joerg Schilling's "cdrecord" package (see its docs).

echo; echo "Done copying $OF to CDR on device $CDROM."

echo "Do you want to erase the image file (y/n)? "  # Probably a huge file.
read answer

case "$answer" in
[yY]) rm -f $OF
      echo "$OF erased."
*)    echo "$OF not erased.";;


# Exercise:
# Change the above "case" statement to also accept "yes" and "Yes" as input.

exit 0