PHP GD Font Test

GD Font Test

    // sample to print out the buildin GD fonts as png picture. 
    // to view source call with: gd_fonttest.php?viewsource=1
    // call f.e. with: gd_fonttest.php?trans=1
    // v0.11 20-Sep-2004, by G. Knauf <>
    if ($_GET['viewsource']) {
        echo highlight_string(file_get_contents($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']));
    extension_loaded('gd') or die ("Error: GD extension not loaded!"); 

    function charmap($im, $font, $title, $topoffset, $lineskip, $tcolor, $ccolor) {
        ImageString($im, $font, 16, $topoffset, $title.':', $tcolor);
        $ix = ImageFontWidth($font);
        for ($line = 0; $line < 4; $line++) {
            for ($row = 0; $row < 64; $row++) {
                ImageString($im, $font, 16 + ($row * $ix), $topoffset + (1 + $line) * $lineskip,
                        chr($line * 64 + $row), $ccolor);

    $im = @ImageCreate (640, 500);
    $bg_color = ImageColorAllocate ($im, 250, 255, 205);
    $f1_color = ImageColorAllocate ($im, 0, 0, 255);
    $f2_color = ImageColorAllocate ($im, 233, 14, 91);
    if ($_GET['trans'])
        ImageColorTransparent($im, $bg_color);

    define ("gdTinyFont", 1);
    define ("gdSmallFont", 2);
    define ("gdMediumBoldFont", 3);
    define ("gdLargeFont", 4);
    define ("gdGiantFont", 5);
    charmap($im, gdGiantFont, "GiantFont 9x15", 20, 16, $f1_color, $f2_color);
    charmap($im, gdLargeFont, "LargeFont 8x16", 120, 16, $f1_color, $f2_color);
    charmap($im, gdMediumBoldFont, "MediumBoldFont 7x13b", 220, 13, $f1_color, $f2_color);
    charmap($im, gdSmallFont, "SmallFont 6x13", 320, 13, $f1_color, $f2_color);
    charmap($im, gdTinyFont, "TinyFont 5x8", 420, 8, $f1_color, $f2_color);

    Header("Content-type: image/png");