Idle kick
## Set this to the maximum time of idle (in minutes).
set maxidle 30
## Reason of the boot message.
#set reason "Temporaly Klined for $maxidle minutes of idle"
bind time - "05 * * * *" checked
bind time - "10 * * * *" checked
bind time - "15 * * * *" checked
bind time - "20 * * * *" checked
bind time - "25 * * * *" checked
bind time - "30 * * * *" checked
bind time - "35 * * * *" checked
bind time - "40 * * * *" checked
bind time - "45 * * * *" checked
bind time - "50 * * * *" checked
bind time - "55 * * * *" checked
bind time - "00 * * * *" checked
proc checked {min hour day month year} {
global maxidle botnet-nick reason
foreach stuff [whom *] {
set user [lindex $stuff 0]
set bot [lindex $stuff 1]
putlog "$user || $bot || ${botnet-nick}"
if {$bot == ${botnet-nick}} {
if {[matchattr $user n]} {
set idx [hand2idx $user]
set idletime [expr [getdccidle $idx].0 / 60]
if {$idletime > $maxidle} {
putdcc $idx "(Temporaly Klined for $maxidle minutes of idle)"
dccbroadcast "Quit $user (Temporaly Klined for $maxidle Minutes Of Idle)"
killdcc $idx
putlog "BotNet Anti-Idle by IRCHelp.UniBG.Net+LHG Crew Loaded !!!"