Ruby Match string against regular expression

The program requires input twice, once for a string and once for a regular expression. The string is tested against the regular expression, then displayed with all the matching parts highlighted in reverse video.


# The program requires input twice, once for a string and
# once for a regular expression. The string is tested against
# the regular expression, then displayed with all the
# matching parts highlighted in reverse video. 


st = "\033[7m"   # makes the reverse video
en = "\033[m"    # undoes the reverse video

puts "#{st}   #{en}"

puts "Enter an empty string at any time to exit."

while true
  print "str> "; STDOUT.flush; str = gets.chop
  break if str.empty?
  print "pat> "; STDOUT.flush; pat = gets.chop
  break if pat.empty?
  re =
  puts str.gsub(re,"#{st}\\&#{en}")  # gsub is a global
#                substitution, all matches are substituted
#                rather than just the first.