SQL sp_EstTableSizeData


if object_id('dbo.sp_EstTableSizeData', 'P') IS NOT NULL  drop procedure dbo.sp_EstTableSizeData

create procedure dbo.sp_EstTableSizeData
	@ObjId int, @Num_Rows int, 
	@Has_ClusteredIndex int, @Has_UniqueClusteredIndex int,
	@DataPages int OUTPUT
**  Do not call the procedure directly. It will be called 
**  from the main procedure:  sp_estTableSize

--<-- Addition #1: Computed columns do not consume physical space
--<-- Addition #2: A non-unique clustered index on the table adds a "uniqueifer" to
--                 "subsequent" instances of duplicate keys. This "uniqueifer" appears
--                 not only on the index pages, but also on the leaf (data) pages.
--                 See sp_EstTableSizeCI for additional information.

set nocount on

declare @Num_Cols as smallint, @Num_Variable_Cols as smallint
declare @Fixed_Data_Size as int, @Max_Var_Size as int
declare @Null_Bitmap as smallint, @Variable_Data_Size as int
declare @Row_Size as int, @Rows_Per_Page as int
declare @Free_Rows_Per_Page as int

-- Pull together information about the columns, the size of the columns and whether the
--    column is fixed or variable
select	@Num_Cols = count(*),
	@Fixed_Data_Size = sum(sc.length * (1 - st.variable)),
	@Num_Variable_Cols = sum(cast(st.variable as smallint)),
	@Max_Var_Size = sum(sc.length * st.variable) 

from	sysobjects as so

join	syscolumns as sc
  on	so.id = sc.id

join	systypes as st
  on	sc.xtype = st.xtype

where	so.id = @ObjId
and	ObjectProperty (so.id, 'IsUserTable') = 1
and	ColumnProperty (so.id, sc.name, 'IsComputed')  = 0  --<-- Addition #1

set @Null_Bitmap = case when @Fixed_Data_Size = 0 then 0 else (2 + (( @Num_Cols + 7) / 8 ) ) end
set @Variable_Data_Size = case 
			    when @Num_Variable_Cols = 0
				then 0
				else 2 + (@Num_Variable_Cols + @Num_Variable_Cols) + 
set @Row_Size = @Fixed_Data_Size + @Variable_Data_Size + @Null_Bitmap + 4 +
                case when @Has_ClusteredIndex = 1 and @Has_UniqueClusteredIndex = 0
                  then 4
                  else 0
set @Rows_Per_Page = 8096 / (@Row_Size + 2) 

-- If there is a clustered index on the table, get the Fill Factor used

declare @Fill_Factor as int
select	@Fill_Factor =	case
			   when IndexProperty (@ObjId, name, 'IndexFillFactor') IS NULL
			      then 100
			   when IndexProperty (@ObjId, name, 'IndexFillFactor') = 0
			      then 100
			   else IndexProperty (@ObjId, name, 'IndexFillFactor')
from	sysindexes
where	id = @ObjId
and	IndexProperty(@ObjId, name, 'IsClustered') = 1
set @Fill_Factor = Coalesce (@Fill_Factor, 100)

set @Free_Rows_Per_Page = 8096 * ((100 - @Fill_Factor) / 100.0) / @Row_Size

set @DataPages = ceiling (1.0 * @Num_Rows / (@Rows_Per_Page - @Free_Rows_Per_Page) )